Category: Automatización
All about Selenium: Tool for QA Testing
Agile adaptation in the software development process speeds up many processes. This includes savings in total software development time, delivery time (TTD), commercialization time (TTM), and a reduction in...
+What is Test Automation and how can it be applied?
Unlike manual software testing, test automation is the use of programmatic tools to test the performance and correct operation of a software. Usually, this type of tests is carried...
+A first look at Microservices
In the world of software development, there are multiple architectures when it comes to creating new products. One of the most commonly used nowadays
+QA Audit and/or Consulting: What are the benefits?
QA is not just an acronym. Quality Assurance is defined by Techtarget as “any systematic process to determine whether a product or service meets the specified requirements”.
+What procedures speed up the new State Digital Transformation Act?
On November 11th, the new Law on Digital Transformation of the State was enacted in the
+Goals for The State’s Digital Transformation
The state digital transformation has been a government priority. The Consejo Asesor Permanente para la Modernización del Estado,
+The Superintendency of Social Security, SUSESO, values platform developed by Tecnova
“The PAE (Procedimiento Administrativo Electrónico / Electronic Administrative Procedure) shortens response times.
+We are the first Partner in Latin America
We are the first #partner in Latin America of #Inflectra Corporation, a company dedicated to the development of the best tools for developers, testers and planners of the world.