Archivo Nacional. Modernization Plan for the Storage of Historical Archives


Archivo Nacional is the institution that must guarantee access to information derived from the management of the State throughout its history. The greatest challenge for this organization is related to the organization, preservation and dissemination of said documentation.

In history, physical documents have been preserved, where an attempt has made to give it the treatments to make them last over time. However, now the information is preserved in digital formats.

The objective of the Modernization of the Archivo Nacional project is to provide Archivo Nacional with a system to receive transfers of electronic documents generated by public institutions. Likewise, allow the preservation and conservation of documents, keeping them intact over time. In this way, they can be recovered and used for the purposes that are pertinent as part of the cultural heritage of Chile.


System Components

This project contemplates the implementation of three key components for the flow:

  • Web Ingesta: Web application that receives documentation from public institutions, offering storage functionalities. For this, Tecnova worked on strengthening the protocol and security of file transfer from institutions to Intermediate Storage. Additionally, improvements are incorporated to facilitate the operation and new functionalities to support the transfer protocol.
  • Intermediate Storage: Component that receives documentation and metadata, manages packages from Web Ingesta, according to the packaging format given by Bagit (specification selected by the Archivo Nacional). In addition, this component stores the information and repackages it to make it available for definitive storage in the Archivematica product, an opensource solution for digital preservation.
  • Document Manager Product, WebService Integration: Component built to deliver them to public institutions, which allows them to manage and store their institutional documents with the metadata required by the Archivo Nacional. Via this component, through transfer agreements, it is possible to send document packages to Intermediate Storage.

Technical Detail of the Project

The system was implemented with the SCRUM development methodology in stages to cover each delivery of the project.

On the technological side, Tecnova developed the Backend system with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and FrontEnd in Angular. In addition, Alfresco document manager, Activiti BPM and PostgreSQL Database were used.

This project was developed under the international standard OAIS, a conceptual model for the management, archiving and long-term preservation of documents.

Modernizacion Archivo Nacional


  • Springboot
  • Angular
  • Alfresco
  • PostgreSQL
  • Activiti BPM
  • Java